Save the day – May Spring Bank Holiday

Preston Caribbean Carnival Is On The Road

Preston’s annual Caribbean Carnival weekend will go ahead on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th May 2023, bank holiday weekend for the first time in recent years.

On Saturday the ‘One Park’ Living Legends starts from  midday and finishes at 2100 performances from International reggae artists like The Twinkle Brothers who  will be visiting Preston for the first time  

This is a ticket only event and Tickets available on- line

Sunday will consist of a lively procession through the streets, setting off at 12 noon from Moor Park Ave this will be the 49th Caribbean Carnival in Preston and will include a vibrant, colourful procession through the City streets followed by a Caribbean themed family fun day on Moor Park. 

This Preston Caribbean Carnival is the biggest event in Preston and we expect over 15000 visitors over the bank holiday week celebrating the flamboyant, creative Caribbean culture within our city, it is a great day out for all the family.
The park events will include live stage performances, 2 soundsystem performances, Caribbean and international food stalls, craft stalls, bar facility and lots of children’s activities, including creative making sessions, rides and inflatables.

The charity is also happy to announce BAE Systems, one of the leading employers in the North West, is a proud Sponsor of the 2023 Caribbean Carnival.

For more information about the Preston Caribbean Carnival, visit ( and take a look at the amazing costumes from previous years. There will be a request to the public to make a small donation at the park entrance on carnival day, children under 12 are free, so please support us. Further information will be on social media nearer the date.